Plasma Cutting VS Laser Cutting

May 08, 2022


Cutting is among the initial steps in the production process of manufacturing. The type of method used depends on the material being cut, along with the required precision, speed, and thickness. In metalworking, two primary methods are employed for cutting; plasma cutting and laser cutting. In this article, we will compare these two methods and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

Plasma Cutting

Plasma cutting is the process of cutting through electrically-conductive metals using an accelerated jet of superheated plasma. The plasma is generated by an electrical arc formed through a gas that creates a channel of ionized gas which heats the material, causing it to melt and blow away.

Advantages of Plasma Cutting:

  • Capable of cutting thicker metals
  • Lower cost of equipment
  • Generates less heat-affected zone

Disadvantages of Plasma Cutting:

  • Lower accuracy compared to laser cutting
  • Rough and uneven cut edges
  • Limited to metals with electrical conductivity

Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is the process of cutting through materials using a high-powered laser beam. The laser can be focused to a small point to melt, burn, or vaporize the material away.

Advantages of Laser Cutting:

  • High accuracy and precision
  • Clean and smooth cut edges
  • Suitable for a variety of materials
  • No physical contact with the workpiece

Disadvantages of Laser Cutting:

  • Costlier equipment
  • Cannot cut through thick materials
  • Heat-affected zone is comparatively larger than in plasma cutting

Plasma Cutting VS Laser Cutting

To better understand the differences between these two technologies, let’s compare them based on the following factors:

Cutting Speed

Plasma cutting is ideal for cutting thicker materials, as it has a higher cutting speed and can manage more extensive and intricate cuts in shorter timeframes. Laser cutting, on the other hand, is ideal for thinner materials and has a slower cutting speed, making it useful for complex designs in delicate materials.

Accuracy and Precision

Laser cutting is unmatched in terms of the level of accuracy and precision it can achieve, making it ideal for intricate designs in a variety of materials. Plasma cutting, on the other hand, is less accurate, producing rougher and uneven cut edges.


Cost is an essential factor for considering the type of method that is ideal for any manufacturing process. Plasma cutting is generally less expensive due to the lower cost of equipment and maintenance, and their ability to cut thicker materials. Laser cutting is more costly, and the equipment requires regular maintenance, but has a much higher level of accuracy and the ability to cut a broader range of materials.


Both Plasma cutting and Laser cutting have their own advantages and drawbacks, and each one is ideal for certain applications in manufacturing. The choice between these two comes down to your specific cutting requirements, the volume of work and materials to be cut, and the budget you have in mind.

While plasma cutting is ideal for thick materials and costs less, laser cutting is better for thin materials and offers higher accuracy, although it comes at a higher cost.

We hope this article helps shed some light on the differences between these two technologies and helps you make an informed decision about the right cutting method for your manufacturing processes.


  1. "Plasma Cutting - How it Works", Hypertherm
  2. "Laser Cutting: How it Works", ScienceDirect

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